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10 things to do in an elevator..

1. Pick a corner and stay there silently with your face to the wall.
2. Say ding every time you reach a new floor.
3. Look at someone, open your eyes real wide, back away and say 'your one of them'..
4. Make explosive noises every time someone presses a button.
5. Drop a pen and wait for someone to pick it up for you, then scream 'that's mine!'
6. When your alone with someone, tap them on the shoulder and pretend it wasn't you.
7. Draw a square on the floor and say its your personal space.
8. Awkwardly introduce people to your imaginary friend.
9. Meow occasionally.
10. Scratch your body uncontrollably.
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10 things to do in an elevator.. 1. Pick a corner and stay there

1 faves · Jun 26, 2012 9:26pm






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