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As you guys know, my aunt has Leukimia.
I went to the hospital to visit and I saw her daughter walking around.
I told her lets go back to her moms room.
So, we walked back and I went the wrong way.
I got lost.
Her daughter led me back to the room.
We were on the wrong floor in a completely opposite wing.
But, her daughter led me back..

Her daughter is 3.

I need prayers now.
It's not normal for a 3 year old to know her way around a hospital.
When I'm almost 16 and I get lost.

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As you guys know, my aunt has Leukimia. I went to the hospital

83 faves · 2 comments · Jun 26, 2012 4:28pm






cropacuddles22 · 1 decade ago
I'm praying, so sorry
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kirbzillasz112 · 1 decade ago
I'm so sorry :( Prayers for you all
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