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Sorry to interupt this...but please listen. It's not aslong as I intended but hey...JUST LISTEN.

I think it is wrong for the things people are doing on witty these days, like I saw a quote saying..
"My Mom Died YesterDay, Fave to make her R.I.P"
I was phisically sick, how can you write that?
Chances are that quote wasn't true.
Another one:
"One Fave, One Day No Cutting."
Alot of attention seeking in going on...Can you seriously think this  will work? People out  their actually have insecurities and actually cut, but they don't go and ask for some popularity for it.
Another thing, I hate the Y.O.L.O sictuation...Not the YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE, the "You Obviously Lack Origanility"
Seriously, be original,  and if you like happen to like a quote...then adleast have the curtesy to say where you got it from or simply type "NMQ" Because seriously...We need to be ourselfs more or adleast be honest.

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STOP SCROLLING! Sorry to interupt this...but please listen.

2 faves · Jun 26, 2012 3:55pm






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