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Just a word

He inched closer to me, snuggling up closer.
After a few moments, my back was up against his chest.
I looked to him and smiled, he smiled down at me.
We watched the movie laughing the whole way.
Once the movie ended, Jonah stood up and said, "That's so not fetch."
I laughed so hard I cried and he smiled, "I love the sound of your laugh." He said seriously.
I smiled, "Thanks, I like your smile." I breathed at him.
He gave me a small giggle then checked his phone, "Time to go."
I nodded, "Okay."
I stood up, lost my balance, and fell into his arms.
He caught me and steadied me, but didn't let go.
I looked down and blushed, not letting him see the affect he had on me.
When I looked up, he was looking up and it looked as if he was nervous.
I stood up and smiled, "Thanks."
He laughed nervously and played with his hair, "It's not a problem." He stretched his arms.
"Ready?" I asked.
He nodded, "Lets go."
We left his house and got into the car, we drove to Alec's house where there was many cars lined up.
"Jonaah. Torri." Willow screamed running towards us.
She was wearing a tight, black dress with a half jean jacket.
She jumped into Jonahs' arms and wrapped her legs around him.
I looked at her in awe and anger.
'No, Tori.' I thought to myself, 'You can't fall for him.'
I smiled at her as she hugged me.
"Your so small." she said to me.
I blushed, "I know. I've heard."
She giggled.
"I like my girls small," Jonah said walking forward.
I smiled and I happened to meet Willow's eyes.
She had thousands of emotions running accross her face.
Anger, jealousy, sadness, fake happiness.
She noticed me staring and smiled, "Lets go. Were making smores."
She grabbed Jonah's hand and took him with her.
He quickly grabbed mine and dragged me along.
We were all tripping over each other when the fire came into view.
I realized there was a lot of people there.. a lot.
Almost everyone was drinking or smoking.
"Hey guys." Alec said running up to us.
I could tell he was a little buzzed, but not enough to be incoherrent.
He hugged me and bro hugged Jonah.
"What do you guys want to drink?" He asked us.
I smiled, "Just water."
Jonah turned to me, "You don't drink?" He asked.
"Or smoke."
He smiled, "I like that in a girl."
I looked at the resentment on Willow's face.
"Come on Jonah, let's go get something to drink." Willow said.
They went to the bar where I saw Willow and Jonah ordering something.
I looked around at everyone who was there and recognized a few people who I saw at the beach.
I looked over at Jonah and Willow and saw them drinking... a lot.
A few moments later, Jonah walked over to me.
I could smell the alcohol in his breathe, "Hey baby." He murmured at me.
I smiled, "Stay away from me drunky boy."
He laughed, "Come sit next to me on the fire." He held out his hand.
I took it, "Lets go."
He smiled looking down at our hands.

Hint for the next Chapter:

Jonahs POV.

I saw her smile and I saw her lean in closer.
The next thing I knew, our lips were touching.

220 + fave Hints for next chapter :).

Outffffit ; http://www.polyvore.com/bonfireout/set?id=51345945


Next Quote >

Just a word Chapter6 He inched closer to me, snuggling up closer.

158 faves · 7 comments · Jun 25, 2012 3:28pm






stardoll8900 · 1 decade ago
pleeeeeease post the next chapter! this is so good! iv read all your stories, every chapter! they are soooo good♥ you are so talented! ♥♥ xxx
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LoveMexXx · 1 decade ago
urgh but hes a player! -___-
hmm, Willow sounds interesting and pretty! omg does she have a thing for jonaaaaah? drama mama!
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montana249 · 1 decade ago
I can't wait to read the next chapters!!!
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ThisRandomGirl · 1 decade ago
OHMIGOSH! this is gettin good! xD
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livingafairytale · 1 decade ago
i keep asking you to notify meee.. but you havent... can u PLEASE
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movelikejagger · 1 decade ago
AWESOME STORY this one is even better then: the virgin ... u really good at writing stories, if i knew u i would so be friends with u :)
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lostinlove101 · 1 decade ago
Hey that was really really good! I'm excited for the next chapter!!! :)
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