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4 faves · 12 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




SimplyTheTruth · 1 decade ago
Oh and by the way "let's compare scars, and ill tell you who's is worse" is a song lyric from Swing Life Away, look it up, its about loving someone. One of the next lyrics is, if love is a labor I'll slave till the end.
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anonymouslover_ · 1 decade ago
telling people that u cut isnt saying other peoples personal business. its your own and u can say whatever u want about it. if u dont like the quotes people put on then dont read them
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Shainaluvturtles · 1 decade ago
vvvv you guys say that u shouldn't judge but then ur judgin her at the same time. On witty everyone is entitled to their opinions. This is hers. If u don't like it, ignore it. It doesnt affect u does it? No. All you're doing is adding to the this girl is getting. NH8
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PeaceLoveHappiness223 · 1 decade ago
I agree. Fangirling can go to extremes, it is annoying, but just let them do it. Its not gonna stop. And as for cutters, HOW DARE YOU?!?!?! These are people who are already depressed, already feeling down, and you want to ridicule them more. If they're cutting, they have a damn good reason too. This is a site to vent and be heard, to tell jokes, to NOT BE JUDGED. and you're judging. Right there. F u
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lillys236 · 1 decade ago
I remember you.. youre the girl who was on a chatroom one night calling anyone who cuts fake and an attention seeker.. things like that. Well, like I said back then, people who cut cant f/cking control it. Dont you think that if they did they would stop? I agree with the 1D quotes, but the cutting? No. Witty is a place where you escape from reality and everything you cant say there you say on witty. And sometimes people really do need wittys encouragement to stop cutting, thinking about cutting, etc. So if you think for one second that all theyre doing is trying to get faves, thats f/cking wrong.
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Shainaluvturtles · 1 decade ago
i sort of get what you mean. im not gonna argue. arguing is immature (:
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Trust_IsNoMore · 1 decade ago
What the . People ask for faces so they dont cut because they rely on witty for help. People are supposed to get their feelings out on this website. And I usually dont like giving hate on quotes and profiles, but this is freaking ridiculous. Do you understand that these are REAL people who go through REAL things, and they can't handle just "not posting it". When my mom was diagnosed with cancer, I POSTED A QUOTE. When I considered cutting, I POSTED A QUOTE. When one of mybest friends started cutting after8 weeks, SHE POSTED A MOTHERF*CKING QUOTE. When my other best friend lost theguy she loves, SHE POSTED A QUOTE. Notice a trend? You cant complain about people having feelings that they cant keep inside. When you keep in feelings, it can nearly kill you. So, moral of the story, if you can't take it, gtfo. Dont come back to witty. K, bye.
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Xoxoshannonxoxo · 1 decade ago
Some people can't help if they cut
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Nigel9086 · 1 decade ago
You're just a monster. PLAIN OUT.
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WonderfulLove · 1 decade ago
That is so much more offensive than you think it is. Calling people that cut themselves cutters.

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xintothedarkx · 1 decade ago
&Umm you swore on your quote before this. That ALSO violates Witty Profile rules; but you don't care because it's YOU doing it now, do you?
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xintothedarkx · 1 decade ago
This is supposed to be a website where people can vent about things that are bugging them. For some people like my best friend, it may be the ONLY place they can get their feelings out & confess things. So just to get MY point across; you seem like a real jerk right now.

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