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Who Are You?

Chapter 8

In one quick move, the door busted open and in ran Olivia. She cut the rope and grabbed my wrist. We ran. Past the guys she beat up. Seeing all those bodies, it's hard to believe she did that just to find me.  We finally made it outside.

"Here, there's an old tree house in the woods. We'll hide there." 
We ran into the woods as fast as we can. Something about these woods, the way the trees curl in a weird shape, the bushes randomly planted, it just made me feel uneasy. We climbed up into the tree house and kept quiet for a while. Once we thought it was safe to speak, I started talking.

"You called me your boyfriend."
"No I didn't."
"Xavier, I didn't."
"Shut up."
"I did-" That's when our lips made impact.

It was the best kiss I've ever had. I see wild colors dancing around us, my heart beating fast, and what most people would say as "sparks".

Wow, just last week this was Alex, my best friend. Now it's Olivia, the girl I'm kissing.

I pulled away and looked at her, she looked at me. The air around us suddenly felt welcoming and warm.

We got so lost in the intense kiss, that we almost didn't hear the screaming of a boy outside.

We looked out to see what is going on. Suddenly, that boy climbed into the tree house. He was panting, then he finally relaxed.

"Oh my god, it can't be...Jason?"
"Olivia? What are you doing here?"
"Running from the law."
"Same old Olivia. Always causing trouble." He laughed.
"You know it. Oh, this is Xavier."
"Hey, I'm Xavier."
"Yeah, so Olivia. I missed you!"
"I missed you too."

Jason hugged Olivia. He looked at me and mouthed, "Olivia is my girl." I felt this rage inside me. I don't what it was. Am I jealous? Like sh*t I am! I mouthed back, "This means war."

(Comments, concerns, complaints, compliments? Let me know. Thanks lovelys.)
~Spioler Alert~ " Olivia wants a guy she had history with. I took her in with me before she ran off."
"Why?" "She was my..."

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Who Are You? Chapter 8 In one quick move, the door busted open

4 faves · Jun 24, 2012 11:06am






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