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Morning Melody [2]

                                                   When he woke the next morning, Junsu had already left, a note on their stand letting him know to, "Expect your jagiya home for lunch! ^U^" Another smile found a place on his lips before a soft humming and piano melody caught his attention. It sounded sad, wilting, and he knew it was Jaejoong. The song caught in the eldest's throat and the music came to a sudden end. It was followed with a shuffling, a door shutting, footsteps in the hall that he had to strain his ears to hear. And then, silence.

                                                   Yoochun rose from bed, replaying the song in his head in an attempt to have it permenantly etched there. Upon leaving his room, he could see that Jaejoong had pulled their electric keyboard and a chair up to the window, a single sheet of paper lying on the floor just a few inches away. Taking a seat, he lifted what he could now see was lyrics from the ground. He flicked on the keyboard and played the tune from his head the best he could, singing out the words Jaejoong had hummed only a short while before.
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Morning Melody [2] When he woke the next morning, Junsu had already

0 faves · Jun 20, 2012 12:01pm




