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16 and Disturbed 

Chapter 11

"Sooo let me get this straight...you're pregnant?!" squealed my mother.
I nodded and patted my belly. 
"Where is the father?!" 
This took me a minute.
There was a pause and then I sighed. "Jail." 
Her eyes were bigger than her head. "Oh...."
"Yet another thing we share in common" I joked "Both of our 'men' are in jail. And get this in the same cell!" 
I already explained to my mom how I got pregnant.
My mom looked at my stomach and said in a very motherly voice, "This is going to be tough..."
I nodded. "I know. It's just that-" 
My name pierced the air in a voice that I knew it just had to be...
"Ohey Shaun!" I smiled.
'One of my friends' I mouthed to my mom. 
"So how is your baby?!" he squealed.
My mom smiled and said "Oh well he/she is alive and you will see him/her in nine months!" 
Shaun smiled and sat with me.
"So uh Chris...can we get a drink or something?" 
My mom patted me hand and mouthed for me to go.
I love her.

~9 months later~

I had a boy and Shaun was my boyfriend of 8 months now. 
We named the baby Damien.
My mom took full custody of me and she is now working on sending me off to college.
Aiden was mysteriously...uh...disapeared? Yea let's go with that.
I was doing just fine now that everything was settled.
I couldn't ask for a better life. :)

ALRIGHT! Sowwie that this was really really really really rushed @_@ 
I just have this feeling that the story plot was turning into a big drama filled thingy.
Plus it seemed as if EVERYONE was loosing interest. 
Fine by me :D
xD go on and check out my new story "Rockstar" I think this one will be a little better ;)


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16 and Disturbed Chapter 11 "Sooo let me get this straight...you're

6 faves · Jun 17, 2012 9:56pm






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