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Imagine #2♥
For IzzyStyles69
You and Harry have been dating for the past month or so, and you recently put your relationship out in the open, and most directioners were not happy about it at all. You've recieved more hate in the past week from fans than Danielle or Eleanor ever have at all. You tried to hide how much it hurts you from Harry, because you know how much the fans mean to him, but one night people were saying such horrible things to you over the internet, you couldn't help but start histerically crying. You were completely broken down, on the floor sobbing. Harry came in and found you like that. "Love, are you okay!?" Harry shouts, running over and kneeling on the floor next to you. You collapse into his arms, crying into his shoulder. Harry looks over at the computer, and see's the messages that have gotten this reaction out of you. Without a word, Harry gently picks your head off of him, stands up, and takes the laptop. Within 10 minutes, he had a twitcam going and thousands of fans were tuned in. Without even a hello or an explanation, Harry said, "Look, I absolutely love all of our fans, you all know that. But some of you have been saying absolutely horrible and unbelievable things about my girlfriend online, and that's not okay with me. She is the most beautiful, incredible girl I have ever met in my entire life. She means the world to me, and I love her with all my heart. If you truly love me and are truly a directioner, than you'd accept that and give her the respect she deserves. So stop the hate...my baby girl doesn't need that." Then he shuts off the twitcam, and hugs you tightly. You instantly feel better, and if it's possible, have fallen even more in love with Harry. ♥

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Imagine #2♥ For IzzyStyles69 You and Harry have been dating

1 faves · 1 comments · Jun 16, 2012 11:56pm




