Witty Profiles

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The Basics:
Name: Hayley
Age: 14 

Love Life:
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:no i wish, lol
Do you like someone?: YES
Does anyone like you?: dont think so://
Hugged anyone in the past week?:ye?

Who are your best friends?: Leanne, Ben, Nathan K, Catherine, Anto, Naomi, Sarah, Jack P, Eddy, jennifer, david, Richie, Connor
Where did you meet them? mostly, estate
Did you lose any friends this year?:ye
Gain any?: Yeah, actually :)
Meet a special friend? no
Did you hang out with any friends in the past week? all excapt 1

New Years Eve
Did you do anything at midnight? nah
Who did you spend it with?david and nathan
Any resolutions? Hahaahahahaaha NO

Valentines Day
Did you have a Valentine? Nah
Did you send out any cards/chocolates/etc?: yeh lol
Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend on this day?: Bahahaahahaha, Oh..you were serious? No 


Will you go somewhere on holiday?: yeah
Will you hang out on the beach with friends?: yeah
How long is your summer break?: 3 monthss!!
Do you think you will get a tan?: I already have :)
Do you think you will have a boyfriend/girlfriend during the summer? hope so

Did you go trick or treating?:  yeh
If so, who did you go with?: leanne, chelsey, naomi, 
Did you dress up? nah
Was it fun?:yeh

Who did you spend it with? family?
Did Santa come to your house?: yes :D
Did you stay up until midnight on Christmas Eve? LOL no

Your Birthday
Who will you spend it with?: family on holidayss
What will you do?: swim or maybe beach, partyy
What will you get?: Shoess;D i hope lol

Have You Ever: (Yes or No)
Hugged someone: Yes.
Electricuted yourself: no lol
Climbed more than 60 feet: lol no
Made a Youtube video: no
Lied to a loved one: nah
Had a pet: Yeah
Ran a marathon: lol no
Had a boyfriend/girlfriend: Yes

5 Do’s
1. Do you play any instruments?: uesd to
2. Do you play any sports?: yeow
3. Do you believe in 2012? LOL NO
4. Do you like animals? no
5. Do you honestly like Obama?: Idc

4 If’s
1. If you get $1 Million for breaking up with your boyfriend/girlfriend, would you? nope
2. If you were to get $50,000 for killing a rat, would you?: Yes
3. If you were to choose between your best friend and your brother/sister, who would you choose?i dno:o
4. If you were to choose between coke/pepsi or sprite/7up, which would you choose? Coke

3 How’s
1. How old do you want to be when you get married?: early 20's
2. How many siblings do you have?: 2
3. How did your last Christmas go? good:D:D even got to go out to my friendss:D

2 When’s
1. When is your birthday?:august 10th
2. When was your last relationship? january

1 What

1. What would you say if the guy/girl you like right now kissed you? Be SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO happy an omg be speeachless

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The Basics:Name: HayleyAge: 14 Love Life:Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:no

1 faves · Jun 12, 2012 6:36pm






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