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How come? im natrally skinny and you are alowed to call me anorexic

11 faves · 4 comments · Jun 12, 2012 6:30am






ForgottenToYou · 1 decade ago
I think it's because bigger girls want to be as skinny as you and when you complain about being so skinny, it really hurts their feelings. Yes, I see it from your perspective, but see it from their's as well.
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Lullaby · 1 decade ago
Well I'm fat myself and I see where you're coming from.
I think maybe it's because people don't really accept fat girls like they accept skinny girls. And so people who aren't skinny can't really understand why it would hurt you, if they call you like that, because they often would do anything to look like you. So yeah most likely they're jealous, don't think it could hurt you like it hurts to be called fat or maybe they really think you should gain weight to become healthier. Of course the lats point what be true for the overweight girls too, but most of the time people don't go around and tell people to lose wieght, because in our society it isn't really accepted to be a fat girl.

Do you understand where I'm coming from?
However I think both hurts and I understand you.
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allyhendro11 · 1 decade ago
I mean, I understand what you're saying, but most of the time when bigger girls tell a skinny girl to gain weight it's because they're jealous...No hate, just sayin'.
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Hale_Storm18 · 1 decade ago
Ohmygosh! Thank you! I have to put up with that all the time! PREACH IT.
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