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A Story to make you S.m.i.l.e
*** should i make a series? ***
So. One day, i was at a football game. And, i was flirting with this guy. As a witty girl, i caint
really flirt. but, i tried! Anyways, i suceeded in stealing his hat and started running away. Typicalish
story so far right? ha! guess what happened next?!
I ran into a pole. 

Yes, i ran into an actual pole. A huge , tall pole that was holding up the bleachers. One of my friends later told
me she felt them shake. And the guy i was flirting with? Of course, sees the ENTIRE THING.
And the worst part? I had to go to the hospital and get stitches on my face, and wear a huge white wrap and pad across my forehead for the next week. The worst part of the worst part? I had to explain to my school and teachers, why and how, i ran into a pole.
*** Tell me if i should make another, and comment your own storys! I hope this made at least a few witty
people laugh.( iIs a true story ) Anywho, love you all!

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A Story to make you S.m.i.l.e *** should i make a series? ***

19 faves · 1 comments · Jun 11, 2012 6:04pm






parisggb33 · 1 decade ago
that sucks! :( aaw hey i ran into a tree on 11/11/11....
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