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Make Friends or Break Friends
Chapter 6
Maya's P.O.V.

 When I woke up Brooke wasn’t beside me. I got up and pulled on a blue skirt,that was short at the front and long at the back with a pale blue lining. Then I pulled on a white blouse, brown gladiator sandal’s and a slim brown belt. 
I wore my long, brown hair down with random bits clipped up. I thought I looked great for a girl trying to get a guy.
‘’Beautiful.’’ Whispered Brooke.
‘’Thanks. I’m ready to get a guy!’’ I exclaimed.
‘’I have our hole day planned out. We’re going to the beach!’’
I always loved the beach. Brooke handed me a new bikini, which was VERY revealing, but I didn’t disagree, as she seemed to have but a lot of effort into today.
‘’You can put it on at the beach. I want boys to see how stunning your are in clothes!’’
We jumped into Brooke’s red car and headed to the beach. I was getting very nervous! Once we arrived, I jumped out.  We set our towels down on the sand and already Brooke had noticed two boys she liked the look of. She strolled over, me following her like a lap dog and started chatting away. One was called Jacob and the other Marcus.
‘’Hey beautiful.’’ Marcus said.
‘’eh. Hi. I’m Maya, but you can call me May.’’ I eventually got out.
‘’ Alright then. Hi beautiful May.’’
Could he get anymore cheesier than that! But I have to admit, it was kind of cute. 
‘’Alright guys. We’ll have yous on for a water fight. If we win you take us out to dinner.’’ Said Brooke, acting very serious.
‘’And if we win, we get a kiss.’’ Said Jacob.
‘’No way! I have a boyfriend!’’ Exclaimed Brooke.
‘’Tough luck, little lady. We got a deal?’’ Replied Marcus.
‘’Fine. We got to win this May. Wait till we get back though. We need to change into our bathing suits.’’ Brooke said.
We went to get changed in the toilets. Once we were ready I looked at myself in the mirror. The bikini was stunning on me. The fitted perfectly. I tied my hair up in a messy bun, with brown locks coming down.
Brooke looked gorgeous as well. Her bikini had ruffles in the shape of roses which made her look bigger up top. It made her look much more beautiful than she normally was.
I now felt very confident. We strolled out of the toilets to begin the water fight. Marcus and Jacob just stared at us. Mouths gapping.
Maya’s outfit.
Brooke’s bikini.
 What Whgwhat
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Make Friends or Break Friends Chapter 6 Maya's P.O.V. When

5 faves · Jun 11, 2012 4:21pm






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