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Reachable: Chapter 5
Alexis’s P.O.V.

When we go off the plane I saw a bunch of huge buildings.  Once I got my bag, I went straight to the cab. I couldn’t wait. Sienna’s parents had to chase after us to catch up. New York was everything I had hoped for. There was all of those huge glowing signs, so many cabs you couldn’t even count, and not to mention the people.  As we arrived the hotel, we got our room key and went to the room.  Sienna and I had to share a room, so we started to unpack. We each put on our swim suits and headed down for the pool.  When we got to the pool I realized that I forgot to grab my hair tie so I went back up to the room. On my way back, I bumped into somebody.

“Oh I’m so sorry.” I said blushing. When I looked at the persons face, I blushed even more and smiled. “Hi Liam.” It was so hard not to smile. 

“When did you get here?” He asked.

“I got here about 20 minutes ago. Oh I’m so sorry Liam but I have to meet up with my best friend at the pool.” I really hoped I would see him again.

“Well I guess I’ll see you later. Lobby around seven?” He smiled. I couldn’t get over his gorgeous smile. His hair fell right on his head and his eyes. They were even more dreamy up close. I have never seen eyes like his and let me tell you, they are beautiful.

“How about 10:30” I didn’t know what I was doing for dinner. Besides I should do what Sienna’s parents say because they did invite me.

“Ok see you then.” He winked at me. 

When I got back to Sienna I started to tell her that I ran into Liam and I would be meeting him at 10:30. 

“Really? You are so lucky. I wish that one of the boys would do that for me.” I could see the jealousy through her eyes.

“Don’t worry Sienna, like Louis says you will marry Harry.” I winked at her knowing it would make her smile. She did, but then she started to splash me. I jumped in then splashed her even more.

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Reachable: Chapter 5 Alexis’s P.O.V. When we go off the

2 faves · Jun 7, 2012 12:40pm






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