Witty Profiles

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Chapter 8
Cedric walks into his room and smiles. 
The room was that type of room that could be a guys or a girls.
The walls were light beige, the carpet was dark blue. 
The bed was a wood frame with a nice purple comforter. 
He loved it. 
He heard the door ring.
"Cedric, its your friend!" Christina called.
"Ill just bring him to your room."
Jonnie comes in.
"Cedric! how are you doing? I can't believe you found an apartment ONE NIGHT after being here! Also, that chick is hot!" he says as he puts the 3 suitcases on the bed.
"I heard that!"Christina shouted.
Cedric laughed as he sits on the bed.
"So, what will the plan be for this 6 months?" Cedric asks.
"Lets see. You should be at the University by 9, you are done by 4 and once you get used to New york you will get friends and have places to go to and have friends!" Jonnie says as he gets his something out of his pocket and gives Cedric a card.
"This is the credit card that your mum gave me to gave you. It has no limit, you mum must have talked to you about it.." jonnie says as he starts to get up. "I have to go now.. but call or SMS me when ever you need help." 
Cedric nods and walks Jonnie out of the door and sees Christina, "Jonnie, this is Christina. She is a model that bumpedd into me this morning."
jonnie nods and shakes hand with Christina.
"Christina, this is Jonnie. He was my best friend since my royal d-- since I was young." he says as he stutters in the middle. 
Christina looks at him ,"ok, do you want something quick to eat? dont be shy."
"sure.." he says.
She goes to the fridge and takes out a water bottle and a half sandwhich in a napkin and hands it over to him. 
"Oh.. thank you." Jonnie says as he starts to leave.
"Thanks jonnie!" he says as he walks Jonnie to the door. 

Chapter 9
Christina wakes up. Is her smell decieving her? She gets up and goes to the kitchen.
Cedric is making some bacon and eggs.
"Are you serious?" she asks.
"What? Are models not supposed to eat this?" He asks.
"Its fine once in a while.." she shrugs.
She grabs a blue plate and puts 2 eggs on her plate and a few bacon slices then spies a toast. She takes a bite and aws.
"That is rad!" she says and takes more bites. Then she looks at the clock 7:48
"Oh god!" she says as she grabs anouther bite ful and runs to her closet. she quickly washes her face, brushes her teeth and fixes her hair. She grabs a Hermes floral scarf, a cardigan, a silk top and a pair of Chanel trousers.
She runs back into the living room and puts stuff in her bag while changing. 
Cedric looks at her with his mouth open.
"Oh god. I am so sorry. I have some habits.. My boyfriend stays here once in a while and I kinda forget.." She says.
He looks at her. 
"I guess its fine... I mean.. ya know." he responds.
She smiles and slips on her trousers, tucking in the silk top proping the cardigan on and puts the hermes scarf as a head peice and grabs her chanel pearl necklace and checks her self out on the mirror next to the door. 
"Do I look fine?" she asks Cedric.
"Yeah gorgeous!" he says.
She smiles and finishes her breakfast.
"Where are you going?" she askes as she cleans her dish.
"At 9 I have to go to the this University till 4.." he says as he goes into his room.
"You want to go sight seeing today?" She asks.
"Sure!" He responds and come out with a dark navy suit and a maroon tie. His hair fixed into a sexy bed head and he get out.
"Wow." Christina says.
"What?" he says as he fixes his tie. 
"Lets just say, if I didn't have a boyfriend. I would fall hard for you." she blushes and starts to leave. "You're extra key is on the dresser in your room." then she just elaves.
cedric sits there stunned.

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Chapter 8 Cedric walks into his room and smiles. The room was

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