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Confessions of a Teenage Perfectionist
Confession Number Fourteen: Hospitals smell safe
An overtired nurse with a messy bun pinned to the back of her head escorts me to his room. 
I feel a sharp intake of breath as I see all of the IV's and machines whirring around him and his sleepy figure.
"Daddy?" I ask tentatively.
He sees me, and then struggles to sit up. Disbelieving, he comments, "Colyssa, baby, is that you?"
I nod slowly, watching his face of horror as he takes me in. I cherish the fact that it's the first time I remember him saying my name. 
I don't respond, and stand there as he looks at me, tears clouding his eyes. I notice for the first time how beautiful and blue they were, without being dilated and bloodshot. 
He reaches out a hand to me, and I clasp it in my own without thinking, being careful of the IV.
"You look just like your momma. how...how old are you?" he asks, sadly realizing he doesn't know. 
"I know daddy. I'm sixteen, almost seventeen."
He shakes his head as best he can with the neck brace. 
"It's been nine years. Nine. I can't believe this."
"What?" I ask, wanting him to smile so badly. 
"I don't know my own daughter. Do you still sing?"
I'm shocked at his question. I sang? I don't remember singing, not ever. My mind struggles to place this memory.
"Well we can start now."
He smiles, and I take it all in. The way the sunburned skin around his eyes crinkles, his unkempt beard crinkles, and his white teeth shine on through. A smile recognize. 
A memory floods back with that smile. One of my mother wearing a black apron splattered with paint, dancing around her studio to a cheesy pop song waving a paintbrush in the air. Dad leans against the wall, watching and smiling. I run out from under the easel and join her, screaming along to the words and dancing like a maniac. He rushed in to pick me up and lifted me high towards the ceiling. "Daddy's little rockstar, huh Colly?"  he'd asked me, smiling.
I sit down in a padded armchair, still clutching his hand, wiping tears from my eyes.
"We've got sixteen years to recap, better get started." He says.

Eleven hours later, after talking so much my voice is lost, I am told visiting hours are over and I need to leave. I kiss him on the cheek and make my out of the hospital wing. A doctor stops me, and I recognize him as Mr.Kohler, my father's doctor.
"You're Ms.VanPulson, am I right?"
I nod, folding my arms.
"I'm sorry about your father's current condition, we're doing everything we can to help him achieve a full recovery. He should be better in the next few weeks. If I'm correct, he is your only guardian, so it's my responsibility to ask you to find a place to stay while your father gets better? We don't want you home alone for such a long time." 
"I'm prefectly fine taking care of myself, but thank you." I tell him. And before he can respond, I leave the hospital and head on home, school is long over. 
I can't stop smiling. My Daddy's back, and he wants to know me, the real me. I've never done so much talking in my entire life. He doesn't have much to say about himself, the past nine years are all but a blur to his drunken memory, but he promises as soon as he gets out we're going to find him help. It's going to be a long few weeks.

Authors Note: as you can probably tell...I've kind of accidentally stopped notifications. I honestly don't have time and I'm so so sorry :( I hope you guys still read it, it's all for you, my amazing readers that I love so very much :) I hope you like everything so far, sorry it was kind of a boring chapter.
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Confessions of a Teenage Perfectionist Confession Number Fourteen:

10 faves · 1 comments · Jun 6, 2012 7:16pm






SweetHauntingMemories · 1 decade ago
okay. i'm back and reading again, i got really distracted sorry.
you're such a good writer! (:
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