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Rest In Peace Grace Antoinette ♥
August 20th, 1997 - May 31st, 2012
This past Thursday my small hometown experienced something none of us had ever experienced. We had all just heard stories about this kind of thing, until it became real to us. Grace, being only 14 years old and only a freshman in highschool, ended her life, shocking us all. Grace was an accomplished equestrian, animal lover, lacrosse player, vegetarian and a friend to anyone who needed it. Grace had her differences with people, but then again we all do. But this wasn't the cause of her desicion, and truly only her and God will ever know. Grace wasn't bullied, in fact had one of the best attitudes of anyone I know. She loved playing lacrosse, sending pictures to friends, taking weekend trips, riding  and taking care of her horses, and several other things, but what I've found was most important to her, was making others laugh. Laugh at her, and laugh at themselves. Grace was diagnosed with despression at the age of 2 and had been fighting it since and was also fighting a bad family divorce and family issues and due to this, her desicion was made final when she hung herself.  I have never in my life, seen my school of 400 per grade and everyone out of school, come together so well. Not for school football games or pep rallies, but we all came through when we needed it most. Hundreds of RIP posts and tweets were made out to Grace and her family and freinds. Personally knowing and being friends with Grace, this gave me hope as well as it did to others. Perhaps at the right timing, our varsity baseball game had their Class AA Section II championship against our schools rival the next day. As we filled the stands and rooted our boys on, we went into 2 extra innings at 2-2 and during the bottom of the 9th inning, Grace's cousin, AJ, steped up to plate, as he kissed his bat and pointed up, we knew he was with her. After 2 strikes and 5 foul balls, AJ hit a line drive down 1st base, bringing one of his best friends home, winning the game. We all knew Grace was with us that night, letting us know she was okay. To top it off, the order that our boys wrote RIP on their hats, was the order that the runs were scored in. The following Sunday, hundreds of people lined up outside the funeral home in the rain and shine for her wake. I personally waited in line for 3 hours and while the wake was supposed to end at 8pm, I left at 1030, with so many people still behind me. Never have I seen so many people come to pay their respects and pray for her. Our baseball team put their championship plaque in her casket and AJ's winning ball in her hand as she rest in peace. Reading this back to myself, it doesnt sound believable and in some ways I wish it wasn't but Grace, you are in a better place now, and if it had to happen, Im glad it happened this way. Truly a miracle in a small town, thank you for bring us back together. Apart in distance, but never in heart. RIP Gracie, the best lab and gym partner I could have, I love you.♥

The point of telling you all this was not to share my sad story,  because I choose to remember Grace as the girl who always made me laugh, but just to show you guys, that no matter how bad things may seem, they are never as bad as suicide. I wish my town didnt have to learn this the hard way, but at least we agained a truly beautiful angel. If you feel like Grace did, talk to someone, I promise it will help. If you read all this, thank you so much and thank you for helping me spread awarness. 

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Rest In Peace Grace Antoinette ♥ August 20th, 1997 - May

1 faves · Jun 5, 2012 10:55pm






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