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That heartbreaking moment
when you start to realize that he doesn't look through your pictures anymore to see if you're happy without him or look through your statuses to see if you're thinking about him. He doesnt ask about you any more and no longer thinks of what could have been. He doesn't think about your smile or the way you flip your hair around him. You're still trying to hold on to something that can't be fixed even if it was your fault. It gets even worse because you still care about him and what he's doing. The hard part is seeing him holding hands with another girl and you pretend not to care but everyone knows you're crying inside. But its okay because you're not with him anymore. It doesn't matter how hard you try with other guys, its never going to be like how you were with him and you get hung up on how he could have let go of you so quickly. But the worst feeling is when you realize that he found better than you and doesn't miss the feeling of having you in his arms anymore. And you're not sure why, but you still expect a text or call from him. No matter how much you don't want to say goodbye and get over it, you're going to have to because that's life,
And there's nothing you can do about it.
my quote&format/Onmymind278.
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That heartbreaking moment when you start to realize that he doesn't

3 faves · Jun 5, 2012 4:12pm





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