Witty Profiles

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Chapter 2

‘Jade Millcot,’ starts Misses Pooter. ‘You and your little friend, Ivy Corbs have broken the uniform so many times, I can hardly count. Why do you insist on doing this, again and again?’ Misses Pooter is in full-on rant about the importance of respecting our school’s rules. She found Jade out today at lunch time and told her to come to her office after school. Ivy and I sat and waited on the plastic seats outside her office while Jade sat on the big squishy chair in front of Misses Pooter’s desk .After fifteen minutes of raving about uniforms and sensible shoes, Jade is finally released, and lives to tell the tale.
We walk along the shore road to my house, the very last house on the street and the closest to the beach. ‘I love going over to your house, Brooke.’ Says Ivy positively. Although I know why. She likes going to the beach outside my house because that’s where Samuel Thompson practices football with his other football mates. As always, they’re playing today. ‘Perhaps we could go on a walk on the beach? Collect shells?’ Prompts Ivy. Jade and I roll our eyes. So we do that. We walk down the beach, Ivy a couple steps ahead, waving at Samuel. Samuel waves half heartedly back, but then races forward with the ball and blasting it through the make-shift nets, made of two twigs. Ivy runs quickly down to the pitch, whooping and crying. Jade follows her. They both become cheerleaders, obviously cheering for Samuel’s team. I go and sit on a rock, alone, watching the game.
After a half hour I’ve had enough. Jade’s gotten bored too and has started joining in, kicking the ball, squealing when it’s kicked back, flirting with Samuel. Jade is the prettiest girl of all three of us. She could have any boy in our class, any boy in our school. She must just be doing this to annoy Ivy, or perhaps she likes Samuel as well.
          My bum is cold and my feet are numb. I’m going for a walk, get my blood pumping. I walk on along the beach, watching the waves rush into the shoreline, washing in new shells and rocks from other lands. I pick up a shell and imagine where it’s from. Perhaps a girl, just like me, picked up this shell too, and thought the same thing. It’s hurting my brain thinking about it so I throw it back into the sea. ‘You alright?’ says a voice from beside. I whirl around to meet the gaze of Samuel Thompson, staring me in the eyes with his big honey coloured eyes although I can barely see them under his long, gold fringe. ‘Hi Samuel, Yeah- I’m fine. Great.’ I say, pulling a mad, cheesy grin. Samuel laughs a little. I love his laugh, it’s cute. ‘Aren’t you meant to be playing football with your friends?’ I ask. He shrugs. ‘I was kind of wondered where you got off to…’  Jade and Ivy’ll kill me. ‘Brookie? Hello? Anyone home?’ He says, tapping my skull. I love it when people call me Brookie. ‘Sorry, Samuel, I was daydreaming.’ I say. ‘You always are Brookie, all the time in class, when ever I see you in school you’re staring out the window. You look like you’re in another world.’ He laughs.  ‘It’s getting late.’  I say. ‘Perhaps we should get back now.’ We walk all the way back to where the others are. A couple of the lads whistle. Jade looks bored, Ivy looks ferocious. ‘Come on.’ Says Ivy sternly. ‘We’re going now.’ Ivy storms off the beach, Jade and I following in her wake.
             We walk all the way to my house. Mum and Dad aren’t back yet so Jade and Ivy stay for dinner. I heat up some pizza in the microwave and we all huddle down to watch Coronation Street Ivy’s favourite. ‘Hi Ho!’ calls Dad, walking through the front door. He flings his keys on the couch and goes to raid the kitchen. ‘Hi Mum!’ I exclaim, rushing to hug her. ‘How do you think it went?’ Mum shrugs. ‘I think I got it.’ I look up at her. ‘What job were you going for anyway?’ Mum smiles. ‘You know when I was a little girl and I lived up the hill? Well, I got a job as a park ranger at Bluewood’s Nature Park and Forest. I always loved wildlife and now I can get paid to take tours around the trails and tracks and take shifts in the café.’
‘Oh that’s brilliant mum!’ I cry. ‘I know.’ Says Mum, equally excited. ‘They’ll let me know in a couple days.’

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Bluebells Chapter 2 ‘Jade Millcot,’ starts Misses

2 faves · Jun 5, 2012 3:26pm






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