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chapter 19

After a few minutes, when my face had returned to its original color, I went back inside to the table.
"What took you so long, honey?" my mom asked.
"I felt sick" I lied. "Something I ate just didn't agree with me."

 "Oh, ok. Drink some water"
I gave her a half smile.
Blake was watching me. I could feel it. I ignored any eye contact with him.
I just had to survive at Blake's house for two more days.
Then I could go home and go back to the bullying.
It was honestly less painful than this.
I had my best friend to protect me there but here I only had my dim-witted sister.
I had one relationship before Blake but I didn't love him. Blake was different.
I knew I loved Blake.
As much as I wanted to hate him right now, I couldn't.
The ride home was more awkward than you could ever imagine.
Angie made discussion with Ian but that was it.
When we got home I sat in the basement alone. I didn't care if it was Christmas.
I didn't want to talk to anyone.
Ian was leaving that day. Around 3 his parents arrived.
They hugged him and wished him a Merry Christmas.
I put on the best fake smile I could, hugged him, and said my farewells.
I probably wouldn't see him again.
I then proceded back to my alone spot in the basement where I watched tv
and occationally let out some tears.
When I woke up this morning, it was the best Christmas ever. A couple hours later it was all ruined.
Finally, at around 4 my mom made me come upstairs and hang around everyone because it was Christmas.
I fixed my hair and trudged up the stairs in my socks.
I didn't know what to expect from Blake. Ian was gone (which Angie was rather sad about)
so now it was just me, him, and Angie.
I sat in the family room with our families wearing a smile faker than Angie's tan.
Blake wasn't there.
He must've spent time with the family while I was isolating myself.
I didn't know. I didn't care.
That night I went to sleep with nothing but my sorrow
and an empty container of chocolate icecream.

Sorry! Boring chapter! It shall get better(: Feedback pleeeease!

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Forever chapter 19 After a few minutes, when my face had returned

2 faves · 1 comments · Jun 4, 2012 8:02pm






MexshicanTaco · 1 decade ago
more morre more more more more more moer more more morem morer more more more more more plz
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