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            It's Hard Being A TEEN
My name is Olivia. I'm 15 years old, and I know this might sound weird but I never met my mother. She used to be a drug addict so
 my grandparents took me in when I was 2. They live on a farm in Montana and they decided to homeschool me because they don't like the schools in their area, so I guess I'm what you would call socially awkward. I have no friends what so ever, no cell phone, and, well practically no electronics at all. Unless you consider; like my grandma does, a wind vane to be an electronic. The only people I talk to are my grandparents. Well I also talk to the stupid, old pig that I'm surprised didn't die yet. His name is Pig. I named him that when we got him. I was such a stupid child. Oh, and did i mention my granparents forced me to be a vegetarian? Yep, that's right, we live on a farm (with farm animals) and were all vegetarians! But I don't have to tell my mom that. So let's get back to the point. So, my mom was in rehab for a while and as far as I know she hasn't done drugs since she's been out. We've been sending each other letters for a little over 5 months now and tomorrow is the day that I'm finally going to meet her. I'm going all the way to Georgia. I'm super nervous but ecstatic at the same time. I've always wondered what she looked like, what she sounded like. The only thing I'm not so happy about is that she has a boyfriend. His name is Will. She tells me he's really nice and that we'll get along just fine, but I don't know about that. I just wanted it to be me and my mom. But of course, just my luck, something has to get in my way.
Hoped you liked it! Its my first story, so please comment and tell me what you think!   
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It's Hard Being A TEEN Introduction My name is Olivia. I'm

4 faves · 1 comments · Jun 3, 2012 8:16pm






niceroyal · 1 decade ago
really good . do a reminder on my page plz

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