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Did you know that pressing the fave button burns .06 calories? And adding a comment burns .1 calories. Let’s go loosing calories.

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Did you know that pressing the fave button burns .06 calories?

50 faves · 2 comments · Jun 3, 2012 2:24pm






wittyspaz · 1 decade ago
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HappyGab2020 · 1 decade ago
But doesnt it depend on how long the comment is i mean what if i write a really short comment like k or what if i write a long comment exlaining why i am writing a comment like this im only writing it because maybe im loosing more calories and if you loose calories, where do they go? into they air? on to the computer? where? huh Huh Huh? I want to know and if they go into the air cant they just go right back on to me These are the things i want to know!!!!!!! :) lol
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