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I walked down the hallway, keeping my shoulders hunched and my eyes down.
I reached my locker and pulled it open, picking out my books and holding them underneath my arm. I then took my hoodie off and stashed it into the back.
I closed my locker and saw Daniel stood there. He smiled faintly, making me gag, before stepping towards me. I felt disgusting; it was like my body was rotting inside-out.
"The first night's the hardest," He muttered. He dug into his pocket and took out a bottle, "I know you dont want any but... If you dont take any then you'll die,"
I uncapped it and held it to my nose. My mouth instantly watered.
"Blood," I whispered, twisting the cap back on and shoving it at him, "I told you, I dont want any,"
"But if you dont drink it then you'll die-"
I scoffed, taking a step backwards. The hallways were slowly emptying and those who were left were too busy hurrying to notice us.
I let my fingers snake underneath my curtain of hair, pulling it back, before pointing to the two marks on my neck. They were red now, like two vicious brandings.
"I'm already dead, if you hadnt noticed," I spat, turning and heading for my first class.

I walked down to my homeroom door and pushed it open. The first thing that hit me was the smell; it was iron-like.
"You're four minutes late," My teacher, Mrs.Gray, told me as I scurried to my seat. I mumbled an apology before taking out my notebooks and scribbling down room-changes for the day.
My best friend, Skye, was trying to catch my attention from the other side of the room but I ignored her, keeping my eyes on the whiteboard, where Mrs.Gray was writing down more changes for the day.
I swallowed and felt my hand snake up to my neck. I felt the tiny bumps where he'd bit me.
My skin crawled. But it wasnt painful, it was nice. Like I'd stepped into a cold shower on a hot day.
The bell rang and everybody stood up, heading for their first lessons.
Skye walked straight to me and set her bag on my desk, "What happened?"
I felt my stomach tighten- had she found out about Daniel, about me?
"What?" I croaked, pulling my hair forward over my shoulders so it covered my neck.
"You didnt come to school for like, two days,"
I sighed with relief and she raised one of her scarlet eyebrows.
"I was ill," I lied, "I had a virus or something,"
She rolled her eyes and linked arms with me, "How could you leave me here, with all these idiots?"
I chuckled, even though I didnt feel like laughing, before walking out into the hallway with her. It was packed full of people, and as I looked around I felt my stomach rumble.
Only, I'd had breakfast.
I unlinked arms with Skye and mumbled an excuse about needing the toilet. I fought through the crowd and burst throught he doors. I held my hand to my chest and could hear its heartbeat.
It was stronger than my old one, it shook the whole room.
I looked around, the whole room was shaking. I took in a sharp breath and felt my body crumble.
I stared at the ceiling, the lights throbbing in time with my heart, before everything went black.
The last thing I felt was the thudding of my dead heart against my chest.

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ChasingTheSun. CHAPTER THREE I walked down the hallway, keeping

0 faves · Jun 3, 2012 12:20pm




