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Yes, I'm skinny

and my hair is naturally straight

I can eat as much as I want and not gain weight

I have a lot of friends
Guys think I'm pretty

Yes, I may seem perfect

And I don't claim to be

But the looks won't make you happy

Just because I have things you wish you were,

doesn't mean that there aren't things wrong with me.

My parents fight a lot

they were divorced at one point.

It sucked.

I don't have a good relationship with my brother.


I went 5 months without seeing him.
I feel most of my "friends" aren't really friends

my best friend likes the guy I'm like in love with

She doesn't care that I love him.

My mom and I fight a lot,

she just doesn't understand me.

So what I'm skinny, and I have pin straight hair.

It doesn't make you happy,

you make you happy,

it's all up to you.


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Yes, I'm skinnyand my hair is naturally straightI can eat as

10 faves · Jun 1, 2012 11:21pm






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