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The moment....When I realized that I wish I had that Witty Quote on a t-shirt. To all the girls, who love living simply, because they would rather spend time worry about the important matters of life. Who do not mind spending books over new clothes or shoes
Who do not mind not having make-up, becuase theyw would rather spend that money on new art supplies
Thank you for being an inspiration,
and making me realize that there is more to life
I understand, now where i stand, and 
who I can become,
When I become stronger,
When all the struggles seem meaningless.
When I stop listening to the nasty voices inside of my head,
When I start believeing that I can make things happen.
For anyone, who has ever been hurt, neglected, mocked, thrown down, and cumpled,
there is more to you than you know,
and all the people, who have hurt you and punished you simply for being yourself, have only done it because they see how much potential is in you. Please, don't give up. Then, they win. It is time for us to show them how all the pain that they have inflicted upon us has only made us more capable to stand up and spread the good that this world desperately needs. Always remember,"That even though I do not know you, and even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, or kiss you, I love you, with all my heart. I love you."(v for Vendetta) I need you to be strong, because you are important to me. Save that inch of yourself that is pure and good and true. It is your hope and the connection that you have to others. The one piece of you that can bring you unimaginable happiness. I plead with you, don't give up, even if it is for me, a simple stranger.
*Sorry for the long introduction. 

ocd or what?


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The moment....When I realized that I wish I had that Witty Quote

3 faves · 1 comments · May 31, 2012 5:11pm





away messages

yanizella567 · 1 decade ago
grammar errors *worrying *because *they
Sorry, again. I should proofread more carefully
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