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WWith Love, to the Teacher who
does not get me
I wanted to say...
Sorry for this year.
I wish I could have worked 
harder, If I had told you what 
was wrong, the dark voices 
would have said I was after pity.
If I told you, I could have done 
way better, like get a high A.
The dark voices would have
called me arrogant and a loser,
the one who could have tried 
but Didn't. 
You see... 
I am the girl with the big nose,
Who wishes it was smaller.
But it isn't. No amount of plastic
surgery is going to help, becuase
you know it would only make it
worse. Instead of asking for acceptance, I would be asking that all the little girls hate 
themselves... I cannot do that.
I am the girl, who has to 
apologize for her eyes being 
black, instead of a pretty color.
I am the girl without talent.
I am the girl without brains.
I am the girl without the tall
height or the skinny body. 
Everyone keeps forcing me to 
apologize for that. You
cannot imagine how this has 
impacted me, or maybe you can.
All I want you to know is that
I am sorry that it took me until 
now to realize that I have been
blessed with this life, and no
one but me can control it.
I hope this explains a little bit
about my behavior in your class,
the numerous late assignments, 'the inability to concentrate,
the sleepiness, the frequent visits 
to the bathroom or the nurse,
I cannot tell you the full story...
I just cannot accept your pity. It would be wrong for me to.
You just have to understand
That people can never ever
Truly understand what it
feels like to be another person
And that sometimes, You come across a person who is hurt or healing. We come to hate them for not being able to pick themselves up, but you know what...The most important thing I have learned in your class this year is that instead of hating, judging, and misunderstanding a person like that, I have to reach out and help people, like me, help them heal as much as I can. Thank you for making me realize that what I really want to do is help people in everyway that I can.
Thank you for teaching me that I need to go through tragedy before I can reach success.


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WWith Love, to the Teacher who does not get me I wanted to say...

1 faves · May 30, 2012 4:34pm






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