Witty Profiles

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Sometimes, life gets hard.
But we need to remember how many great things that there are in life.
Me and my fellow wittians have worked together to make a list of just a few of them, to look at when times get hard.


1. Flowers in spring
2. Free food
3. Witty
4. Reading encouraging bible verses
5.making music
6. lattes
7. working hard to get what you want
8. knowing you've really helped someone
9. finding people you can really talk to
10. writing
11. singing
12. long walks
13. good books
14. sunsets
15. roses
16. the first time you hear a great song
17. hugs after being apart a long time
18. having a good workout
19. the smell after it rains
20. dancing and not caring who sees
21. candy
22. eating cookies fresh out of oven
23. baking
24. hot chocolate on a cold day
25. those 'had to be there' moments
26. ice cream when its hot
27. the little kids at lemonade stands
28. family and friends
29. birthday presents
30. opening things on christmas
31. smiling and meaning it
32. swinging on swingsets
33. art
34. painting
35. playgrounds, even when you're too old
36. playing in the rain
37. little puppies
38. doing something for YOU
39. dressing how you want
40. finding a new way to express yourself
41. winning a sports game
42. beating a friend at something
43. riding in car with windows down
44. blasting your favorite song
45. random hugs
46. embracing uniqueness
47. feeling worth it
48. Feeling good about your appearance
49. Knowing you've overcome something
50. Double, triple, quadruple rainbows
51. Sunshine peeking through a raincloud
52. Climbing trees
53. Drawing with chalk like a little kid
54. Going for hikes in the forest
55. Skiing/boarding down hills really fast
56. Knowing you made someones day
57. Making new friends
58. getting a perfect score on a quiz
59. finally finding that perfect outfit
60. getting out of school for the summer
61. music that describes you perfectly
62. Best Friends
63. Sisters&Brothers
64. Life Chats
65. Letters from friends
66. finding out the truth
67. movies
68. summer
69. days at the beach
70. looking back at good memories
71. looking through old pictures
72. knowing people care about you
73. spending time with loved ones
74. those friends who make you feel great
75. knowing you've stayed strong
76. finding faith
77. having hope in something
78. saving a life
79. lending people a hand
80. never giving up
81. dreaming
82. having no homework
83. succeeding at something
84. medaling at a big competition
85. chocolate
86. nighttime
87. the beach
88. when someone loves you
89. knowing one day, you'll be old enough to do what you've dreamed of.
90. Meeting someone very inspirational
91. Going to a band concert
92. Parties
93. Sleepovers
94. Meeting someone important
95. Being told that you're beautiful
96. Falling in love
97. Finding out that they 'like you' too
98. Finding out who you are
99. Finding something really, really fuzzy
100. Proving someone wrong

101. Realizing that there is just so much to live for ♥
Next Quote >

Sometimes, life gets hard. But we need to remember how many great

839 faves · 21 comments · May 28, 2012 3:36pm






jane :-)* · 1 decade ago
omg I love this
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ThreeFalls2Fate · 1 decade ago
So glad this has helped people!
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StillSortaStonedd · 1 decade ago
Give a kiss to your hand (left hand)
2.- Say the name of your love.
3.- Close your hand
4.- Say the name of a weekday
5.-Say your name
6.- Open your hand
7.- Paste this to 15 comments and the day you said (step # 4) he/she will tell you that they like you and maybe even engaged or maybe kiss you. If you don't do it something will go wrong in about an hour
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thingsishouldhavesaid · 1 decade ago
i just prinnted this out.(:
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Mencius · 1 decade ago
Made me love life more ^O^
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grownsimba · 1 decade ago
@ChikinNewdle: she didn't skip 68, it's just cut off at the bottom.
But, like you said, it's still a perfect quote.! beautiful.
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ChikinNewdleMallerzz · 1 decade ago
Am I the only one who realized, you skipped 68??
Still, absolutely love it!! Made my day!! :)))
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sweetart11 · 1 decade ago
I was really, really, really down till I saw this quote - love it!!
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jimmy365 · 1 decade ago
this quote = my life
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xxkeepthebitchescomingxx · 1 decade ago
this is amazing :')
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grownsimba · 1 decade ago
love, love, love.!
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oxjetaimexo · 1 decade ago
Yayyy! You posted it! It looks great :)
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HorrorJunkie1313 · 1 decade ago
Give a kiss to your hand (left hand)
2.- Say the name of your love.
3.- Close your hand
4.- Say the name of a weekday
5.-Say your name
6.- Open your hand
7.- Paste this to 15 comments and the day you said (step # 4) he/she will tell you that they like you and maybe even engaged or maybe kiss you. If you don't do it something will go wrong in about an hour
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imjustonegirl · 1 decade ago
this is amazing like absolutly amazing i think everyone needs to read it and honsetly this made my day
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laaurenn · 1 decade ago
You forgot mine, "The beautiful morning dump." It really makes me love my life
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DreamingDirectioner · 1 decade ago
Yeah, some of it doesn't show for me either.
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TurtleRawr · 1 decade ago
This. It helps so much. :)
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YouLeftMeHereToBleed · 1 decade ago
i really needed this today :) thank you♥
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Tempest* · 1 decade ago
Some of it doesn't show for me :(
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hereforever · 1 decade ago
can I put this on my profiles? My goal on here is to help wittians and this will help, i will give credit. If not its okay
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