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I've always been pretty strong mentaly, and I've never actually wanted to cause self harm to myself, and I've always been able to stay headstrong, but until lately, thats all changed, i trust no one, i dont know why, I never feel like I fit in with anyone, and even though I smile and all that when I'm in a group, theres always this "empty" feeling inside me. I swear people say bad things about me behind my back, and I am convinced that everyone just acts like they're a friend of mine, but in reality, they don't like me. I want out, I do not want to be here anymore, i can't stand coming home and being yelled at the second I get in the door for whatever pathetic reason. Some one just kill me, that way I dont have the self shame from commiting suicide.
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I've always been pretty strong mentaly, and I've never

1 faves · 1 comments · May 27, 2012 3:49am






aidenbowen · 1 decade ago
Please don't do anything stupid, I know how you feel, I feel the same almost everyday. You just got to have faith in yourself to get through the tough times. People do care for you and are your friends
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