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"How I survived a boarding School" Sharon's POV Chapter 1 It was exactly six thirty am. My alarm clock rang. Drat, time to get up, I thought. I gently tapped the dismiss button and got up. Time for my first day of school. Well first day at a new school. My first day at a boarding school. Okay so I realized that I’m kind of going too fast. Allow me to explain my background. My name is Sharon Peters. I am a thirteen year old girl raised in los angles. My mom and dad recently divorced, so I moved to Seattle with my dad. Here I am now. My school is also private. Yep, that means I have to wear uniform. It’s called Seattle’s International Boarding school. It’s some kind of school mainly for immigrants but cousin who came back from Germany goes there. So I guess my dad wants me to be her friend. Even though she’s in like grade four. I’m in eighth grade. Our school consists of grade four to nine, for the boarding policies, but starts from preschool to nine. I’ll explain my looks. I have chocolate brown eyes. My hair is long straight, and brunette. I have pale skin. I’m fairly length. I walked over to change in to me uniform. My uniform has many different forms. Girls don’t have to wear skirts but I chose to. I wore a button down white shirt, with our school logo on side. My shirt was tucked in my grey skirt. Then to match it up I decided to wear boots up to my knees which were also grey. I walked over to my vanity. I brushed my hair. Applied a little bit of foundation and mascara, and wiped some blush. I put on a spritz of perfume. I examined myself one more time at the mirror, smiled and walked over to my bed. I kicked my old shoes under my bed. I walked to my suitcase and bag. I looked for the last moments in my room I lived only for a summer. I closed the lights walked out and shut the door. I ran down the stairs. My dad was making toast and waffles. My brother Nick came downstairs. Nick is eight. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. He is kind of a troublemaker. Sharon He also is one of those siblings who can get very annoying. “First day, aw man” Nick groaned. “All I know is that I’m pretty excited.” What I know about the school is pretty fair. I also have a cousin in my grade. Over the summer she told me all that goes on. Her name is Natalia.. “Hey kids.” My dad came down the stairs. “time for school.” He reminded us. I actually have an upset stomach right now. I kept thinking. Oh. My. Gosh. School, School, School. A new school. I just shrugged and had a bite of my toast. “Dad, are you going to miss us?” Nick asked. “Well of course.” He replied. “I just want the best education for you guys, and I don’t want this to turn into a joke. I spent a fortune on this boarding school and I don’t want it all to go to waste.” He eyed at me. I chuckled “Don’t worry dad, I won’t lose my straight A’s” Personally, I am pretty smart. Now I’m not a nerd. I don’t consider myself preppy. I was quite popular at my old school. Anyways, as I step in this school I’ll have a clean slate. I wonder how those foreigners will see me. It is a globe school after all. I poked my toast with my fork and went in to deep thoughts. Like how are all the teachers going to be? Student? Cafeteria? All those questions remained bubbling in my head. My dad snapped me out of my thoughts. “All right kids, the bus is here.” We all walked out to the front door. I am going to not see you guys for a while” he said. “I know.” I reminded. “Well bye Sharon. Be good. I’m going to miss you. Goodbye Nick. Give me a hug.” He said as he was hugging us. “Bye Dad. I’ll miss you to.” I hugged him back. Nick said his farewells, and we got into the bus. “Welcome!” my bus driver said. “I’m Mr. Tim; you must be Sharon and Nick, Pete’s Kids.” I nodded. “Well hello to you to.” I smiled. “Hey man.” Nick greeted. Nick sat behind Mr. Tim and picked up a conversation with him. Wow. Nick’s first day and he already made friends. I sat alone, across from Nick. I laid my head to sleep and waited till we would arrive school.
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"How I survived a boarding School" Sharon's POV Chapter 1 It

0 faves · May 25, 2012 11:34pm





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