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What can i say about school ? ? ummm
Well school is just plain boring to me !!
i mean like all of the damb h/w and the sheets and the projects and the readding !!:(
Why does school have to be soo DAMb dump i mean like y soo  difficult
I noo its for ur career and stuff and ur education bla bla bla bla
Can school at least be a little fun !!
Do they really have to give us stupied h/w ??
We learn it in skool !!
If people dont listen its there fault we dont have to sufer becouse of them !!
sooo all im trying to say is umm SCHOOL SUCKS !!!
This is what i think .. .Some people luv school if u do  great !!

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SCHOOL What can i say about school ? ? ummm Well school is just

0 faves · Feb 22, 2009 1:23pm




