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This is gonna get personal, you ready to get deep?
of course ;)

Your relationship with the last person you texted:
friends with benefits

Last time you really cried and why:
yesterday, my friend was reported as a missing person and i didn't see or talk to him for a week, there was a warrent for his arrest, and i thought he was put in foster care, but the scariest thing of the whole thing was that i couldn't do anything to help him :(

Have you ever told anyone you were okay when you weren't?
doesn't everyone?

Time you stayed up last night and why:
8, i came home from dance and just craaaaashed

Are you ticklish?
too much

Would you ever get a tattoo? Where?
YES. i want one on the right side of my back, and i want it to be a dreamcatcher, i want an anchor on my ring finger, i want a cherry blossom tree on the left side of my ribcage and some sort of foot tattoo.
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SURVERY PART I This is gonna get personal, you ready to get deep?

1 faves · May 22, 2012 10:26pm






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