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Never Look Back
Chapter 1 

Introduction: http://www.wittyprofiles.com/q/5730263
Characters: http://oi46.tinypic.com/2yw8p5s.jpg

-this chapter is in the past!

"Comon' Gianna, it'll be fun!" Kayla's words lingered in my mind.
This wasn't so fun.
It was 12:03 in the morning, and I was waiting for Kayla to come out of the party. 
She was probably drunk, she only drunk all night long.
I, too, had been drinking, but I was steady enough to drive.
"Okay, sorry for the wait, I had to get purse," Kayla slurred her words.
"Kayla you are REALLY drunk! How many drinks did you get?!" 
"Shhh, just drive Gi," Kayla giggled.
I put the car in reverse then hit the road.
Maybe I shouldn't have drank, I knew Kayla would drink,  and of course I would be the one to drive.
The road was really blurry, and I felt dizzy.
My house is only three miles away, I can make it, I thought.
"Did you have any funnnnnnn?" Kayla asked, trying not to fall asleep.
"Uhm,no. Not really," I halted at a stop sign,"Ugh, it's so foggy."
Kayla laughed again.  God, drunk people are so annoying, they have to laugh at everything.
Kayla pointed at the road, " Hey what's that??"
"What's what?" I slowed down and examined the road, but saw nothing.
"There's something white further ahead! It looks like a person." 
"Kayla, you're drunk, I don't think you know what you're talking about," I ignored Kayla and began to drive normally.
"Gianna, I swear there's something there!"
"No there isn't!" I retorted. I took my eyes off the road, and looked at her.
Her eyes were wide opened, and now she looked sober.
"WATCH OUT!" I heard her scream.
It looked as if something had hit the car, and I had run over the same thing.
I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt then checked to see what had happened.
"Oh my god," My mouth dropped, just to see who was there.
"Oh my...." Kayla had followed me and realized what happened," You ran over someone!"
I knelt down to see if the girl was alive. I checked her heart, but there was no beat.
"Who is she??" Kayla asked, " She doesn't look familiar."
"I don't know Kayla, but I can't feel her heart!!" I panicked.
Kayla bent down to see, she was taking a Doctor's class in high school, so she would know more than me.
"So is she alive or not?" I worriedly asked.
Kayla's face went pale, " No she's not. She's dead."
"Oh my god..." I covered my face," I killed somebody. Kayla, I killed somebody!"
"Gianna, we have to go," Kayla pulled my hand from the scene. 
"We can't just leave her here!!" 
"If there's one thing I learned from crime shows and movies, its' run. We killed her, we need to leave or we will go to prison!" She lead me to my seat.
I looked at the girl once more, then drove off.


What do you guys think?? c:


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Never Look Back Chapter 1 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

9 faves · 1 comments · May 21, 2012 5:56pm






witttianwriter · 1 decade ago
continue plz
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