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What is wrong with our society.
Kim Kardashian:
I'd like to marry this dude and spend $10 million dollars on a publicity wedding please oh and then 72 days later I'd like a divorce
America: Well sure why not?

Britney Spears: I want to get hitched in a chapel in Vegas and have the marriage annulled fifty-five hours later because I didn't know what the hell I was doing
America: Whatever you want!

Carmen Electra: I want to get married in Vegas to this basketball player and then annul the marriage nine days later cuz we were both drunk lololololololololol
America: Okay, sounds like fun!

Gay couple: We would like to get married and spend our lives together and possibly adopt unwanted children to give them a good home and -
Next Quote >

What is wrong with our society. Kim Kardashian: I'd like

433 faves · 23 comments · May 20, 2012 7:05pm






JohnnyyM450 · 1 decade ago
thats not all entirely true
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TeamDamon · 1 decade ago
I'm not gonna hate on you, because if I did, we'd be equals. You, hating on people because you don't like the way they think. Me, hating on a person because I don't like the way she thinks.
I just want to point out one thing.
What if you met the love of your life, and you're like, "Yeah go love!" and you're totally in love and YAY LOVE. Then, you realize that the love of your life was born a female. Or, their p.enis suddenly changed into a v.agina. Would you still love them? If no, then you don't love that person. You love them for their p.enis, which is kinda weird on its own.
Love=love, people.
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cocobananasxx · 1 decade ago
this is amazing.<3
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kem_119 · 1 decade ago
I totally agree, gay couples should be treated exactly the same. they're people too!
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GottaBeYou06 · 1 decade ago
I love you for making this quote. i am so fed up with society being against gay marriage, they are people just like me and you except they like the same . I hate society so much its just so unfair for people who love eachother can't get married because of their gender. LOVE IS LOVE.
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dancer4444 · 1 decade ago
thank you. like this is amazing, my bestfriend is gay and people hate on him all the time and im just like wtf is wrong with you. you know, you dont like him because of what he likes, welli dont like you cause you dont like bananas. like its just the same. DONT JUDGE PEOPLE ON WHAT THEY LIKE.

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youdontknowme88 · 1 decade ago
THANK YOU!!!!! It's not about love, it's about gender. And why do you care, anyway? If they want to get married, HELL, let them get married. Mind your own business.
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fallingstars12 · 1 decade ago
I can't even explain how much I love this!(:

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dont_judge_me · 1 decade ago
OMFG SO TRUE!! i'm gay and...well idk i cant explain it but theres this whole quote i made about what happened to me and my boyfreind today and it would mean alot if you read it :')
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KiwiMangoKoala · 1 decade ago
Omfg, this is so true!
If gay people get married, NOTHING BAD is going to happen. The world isn't going to end. The only thing that will happen is- gay people will get married♥
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maddig11 · 1 decade ago
this is so true
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Angiebabe16 · 1 decade ago
i know right >:o society is screwed up-.-
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TurtleRawr · 1 decade ago
Im against divorce. 10000%.
Marriage means you are going to spend the rest of your life with that person. Im not getting married until I am 1000% sure. And I wont ever give up on them. Divorce is stupid.

And besides, HOW is gay marriage gonna affect anyone? Like, leave them alone and get your nose out of other peoples business! (:
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ncisrox13 · 1 decade ago
And I'm American! I don't understand what people have against gay marriage. They aren't hurting anyone. And, you can't say "oh well it's wrong cos it's in the bible." The bible say divorce, before marriage, eating pork/using pig, and a bunch of other is wrong. I'm catholic and I have no problem with gay marriage because it's just marriage, there's really nothing different.
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ncisrox13 · 1 decade ago
This is VERY true!!!! I love you for saying this!
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StarsareRachelBerry · 1 decade ago
This has to be top quote. Ok.
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nefeli · 1 decade ago
I agree
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*한숨** · 1 decade ago
I want to fave this 1000 times.
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ThreeFalls2Fate · 1 decade ago
For the geniuses that are like that, it is very sad. But those aren't exactly the conditions the overall population is under. America is a lot more accepting than it used to be... If you must target someone as saying these types of things and forgetting about the straight celebrities doing, well, what some people do, at lease be more specific. For instance, conservative republicans. I realize some people do react the way many gay supporters portray them to, but I honestly have barely ever encountered someone who actually felt that way and made a big deal out of it.
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wittyspaz · 1 decade ago
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