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It's been 3 years since you left the world Grandpa!
I think about you all the time , you were such an inspiration to so many people including me!
You fought for our country and I am very proud of that.You tought me things that I never knew and I always loved listening to your stories about war and how hard it was.They were very emotional but you still had that smile on your face, I felt really proud to have have a Grandad like you!
Every other weekend I used to visit you, we always went out fishing or you drove me to your farm, it was so much fun , you even tought me how to drive a tractor!
But then something started to change..when i visited you, you always seemed tired and we never went anywhere.I didn't understand why.
And then came the worst news , 4 days after i saw you mum told me you passed away! I could not believe it, my whole world turned upside down , you wasn't just like my Grandpa you were like my dad too cause I never knew who he was. I was very emotional for a long time. And what caused my Grandpa's death was bowel cancer.I learned a bit more about it and understood why you passed away!
I still miss you absolutely loads, i miss all the things we used to do , i miss learning things from you, and most of all I miss you Grandpa , your grey hair and your big smile that you always had!
Sleep tight Grandpa!I love you loads!
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It's been 3 years since you left the world Grandpa! I think

6 faves · 3 comments · May 20, 2012 11:40am





away messages

racheythequeen · 1 decade ago
love you too xxxxx
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henrythebeast · 1 decade ago
love youu xxxxxxxxxxx
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racheythequeen · 1 decade ago
r.i.p grandpa missing youu loads:'((<3<3
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