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30 reasons why I love you

1. You don't judge me.
2. You're always there for me.
3. You'll never give up on me.
4. You're always really sweet.
5. You try your hardest to help me.
6. You try your hardest to call or text every night.
7. You try to send me good morning and good night texts every day.
8. You put up with me calling you my dork in tin foil.
9. You constantly try to make me feel good about myself even if I doubt it.
10. You don't get angry if I stress you out.
11. You don't get angry if I make fun of you.
12. You walk up to school with me most days.
13. You're not afraid to be yourself.
14. Your eyes.
15. You're okay with being around my friends even if they're not nice to you.
16. You don't pressure me.
17. You always like to remind me that you love me.
18. You care about me.
19. You always listen.
20. You're stubborn.
21. You know when to give me space.
22. Your hugs.
23. Your terrible jokes.
24. Your special way of saying "I love you"
25. Your nick name for me.
26. Your sounds that you make while playing games.
27. Your love for your iPod.
28. Your attempt at breaking down your own walls.
29. Your jealousy.
30. You.

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30 reasons why I love you 1. You don't judge me. 2. You're

7 faves · May 19, 2012 8:18am






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