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I just realized.
I have one true friend.
Zero others.
No just friends,
no aqquatences.
Nothing but a
true friend.
No one wants to hang
out with me.
No one wants to even
be seen with me.
Some people wonder why.
It's because of all my scars.
It's because of my cuts.
It's because I'm bisexual.
My true friend doesn't care about
any of that.
I'm glad I have her.
But throughout this whole
year, I have lost everything.
I lost the guy I loved.
I was cheated on after
I was with a guy for 5 months.
My ex best friends parents' hate me,
and I dont even know why.
My dad doesn't accept me.
My mom doesn't care for me.
My grandma's husband died of cancer,
(my step-grandpa.)
And now my grandma is suffering
from Cancer.
I suffer from
It has gotten worse.
So have the cuts.


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I just realized. I have one true friend. Zero others. No just

0 faves · May 18, 2012 7:20pm




