Witty Profiles

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Write the first thing that comes to mind.
1 Hello: hey
2 Love:  him
3 Cow: grass
4 Peace: love
5 Sky: clouds
6 Mr. Big: my substitute...
7 Horror: losing someone

Answer with the first thing that comes to your mind:
1 You are a: person
2 You drink: liquid
3 Your first kiss: ewh, sadly
4 Where are you: in a parrelell universe..
5 You like: things
6 Hate is: a strong word
7 Love is: a miracle
8 You dream of: people
9 You can’t spell: a lot
10 Your favourite colour is: purple 

Answer either yes or no. No “maybes” allowed.
1 You like a boy/girl: yes
2 You would kiss someone for $10?: no
3 You’re addicted to facebook?:yes
4 You’re addicted to notes:no
5 Pink looks nice on guys: yess
6 You can keep a secret: yes
7 Do you have any siblings: yes
8 You know what an asterisk is: yes
9 You dye your hair:  yes

Write the first thing each colour makes you think of.
1 Red: fire
2 Green: grass
3 Teal: my cousin
4 Maroon: soccer
5 Silver: sparkly
6.Brown: poooooop
7 White: boredom
8 Peachy:sand
9 Yellow:sun
10. Purple:elephants...
Next Quote >

Write the first thing that comes to mind. 1 Hello: hey 2 Love:

0 faves · May 18, 2012 3:32pm




