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the place where you can wake up with your shirt on backwards, crust in your eyes, and look like a dying gorillla
the place where you can throw on a pair of short -shorts and not worry about shaving
the place where you can eat as much as you want without worrying if there are crumbs on your face or if you look like a complete pig
the place where you can [lets all be honest here] fart or pick out that annoying wedgie
the place where you can
sing to the heavens no matter how terrible you might sound
the place where you can laugh, and dance,  and talk on the phone for hours or stay on witty 24/7 or jump on your bed in your way to messy room
the place where you can escape the stress of school  and  stupid teachers
or boys
or bullies
the place where you can count on going for a nice shower after a long day
the place where you can talk to your imaginary friend Bob
or watch Phineas and Ferb
the place where you trip and not look around to see if anyone was looking
the place where you can do what you've secretly loved to do for a while but was too afraid of what your friends might think
the place where you can lay on your couch, put on your big fluffy miss matchy socks and watch movies all day and not give a  crap about 'an hour exercise everday'
the place where you can grow
make mistakes
have AdVeNtUrEs

The one place where you can let your hair down, and truly be 


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HOME. the place where you can wake up with your shirt on backwards,

13 faves · May 17, 2012 11:22pm






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