Witty Profiles

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Pick five artists you love before reading the questions:
1. One directionnn♥
2. Mac Miller
3. Black eyed peas
5. Drake

1) What was the first song you heard by 1?
Moments & What makes you beautiful.. idk which was first

2) What’s your favorite song by 5?
the motto

3) What kind of impact has 1 left on your life?
oh geez. this sounds so stupid but they are honestly the reason i stopped cutting, there has been so many days when i had the razor up to my skin but i kept thinking of their smiling faces and i put it down. they put a smile on my face in the hardest times and i have legit cried (in a good way, hah) so many times because of how much i love them..
that sounded so stupid but whatever

4) What are your favorite lyrics of 5?
YOLO! hahaha

5) How many times have you seen 4 live?
three times♥ and i met them back at their august concert

6) What is your favorite song by 2?
nikes on my feet, frick park market, donald trump, knock knock, smile back

7) When did you first get in to 5?
uhh like last yearish

8) How did you get into 3?
my mom has liked them for forever and she  took me to their concert in like 6th grade and ive liked them since

9) What is your favorite song by 4?
Sorry for party rocking& bounce

10) Is there a song by 2 that makes you sad?

11) What is your favorite song by 3?
hmm probs my humps hahaah

12) Which song do you dislike by number 1?
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Pick five artists you love before reading the questions: 1. One

3 faves · May 17, 2012 9:18pm






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