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Dear girl i hate,
i really dont hate any girls...

Okay so i wrote this before i realized how much of a b*tch my 'friend' was so now i'm redoing it.

Dear girl i hate,
k so first you are the biggest f*cking b*tch i have ever met. MY best friend introduced you to our group of friends when you moved here because you had no friends. that was a f*cking nice thing and how do you repay us? you ruin all of our friend ships. me and her were way closer before you came in and talked sh*t to both of us about the other person. you made all of our guy friends hate us. not to mention flirted with all of them. you told the guy i like not to ask me out. seriosly? wtf were you trying to accomplish? THEN you went out with the guy MY best friend liked and told her to 'get the f*ck over it because he didnt like her anyway'. you know babe the only reason why they still talk to you is because youre a wh*re.  honestly i have never hated anyone in my life as much as i hate you right now. because of you i have lost about 4 of my best friends. all i can say is if your plan to ruin mine and [insert best friends name here] friendship worked i can garuntee your life would be as much of a living h*ll as you made mine. you act like our problems are nothing compared to yours. [insert bffs name] sprained her ankle at soccer, she needs to get over it because YOUU have broken yours 3 times. i got heat stroke, i need to get over it because you have eye problems where you can barely see in the sun. i have seasonal depression, i have nothing to be sad about unlike you because you have been through 'so much'. you made fun of me for cutting myself and asked me in a really loud voice so everyone could hear what those lines were on my leg. you tried to seduce the guy [insert bffs name] liked by eating a lollypop really wh*rish in front of him. you make fun of me because my b**bs are small. lol unlike you i dont care about my b**b size because i want people to like me for ME not because i have huge b**bs. that must be the only reason people like you though because you sure as h*ll have a horrible personality. i could go on but this is seriously a waste of my time.


Dear ex boyfriend
Dear girl i hate

Dear boy i love
Dear best friend
Dear ex best friend
Dear current boyfriend
Dear mom
Dear dad
Dear Future me
Dear future boyfriend 

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Dear girl i hate, i really dont hate any girls... Okay so i wrote

2 faves · May 15, 2012 7:24pm






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