Witty Profiles

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A - Available? Yepp
B - Birthday? January 30
C - Crushing on? JJFR <3
D - Drink you last had? Lemonade
E - Easiest person to talk to? Julia or Cammie
F - Favorite song? too many to name
G - Gummy bears or gummy worms? worms!
H - Hometown? STL <3
I - In love with.? music :)
J - Jealous of? everyone who hates me -- they'll never now how freaking awesome I am
K - Killed someone? Definately Not!!1
L - Longest car ride? 24 hours
M - Milkshake flavor? Cookies n' Cream
N - Number of siblings? one older brother
O - One wish? to make every single girl feel beautiful

P - Person you texted last? Emily
Q - Question you are always asked? "How can you draw like that?
R - Reason to smile? him <3
S - Scars? yea, but it's nothing I'm proud ofT - Time you woke up? 7 AM
U - Underwear color? purple, pink, and orange
V - Violent moment you had? idk???
W - Worst habit? procrastinating
X - X-rays you had? none!!!
Y - Yoyos are? old-fashioned
Z - Zodiac sign? Aquarius :)

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ABC QUIZ A - Available? Yepp B - Birthday? January 30 C - Crushing

0 faves · May 15, 2012 6:10pm




