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So I'm in this class called AVID which helps you prepare for college and your future and all that other good stuff. We have to write college essays (even though we are sophomores) because my teacher says we need to be prepared for when we actually start applying to colleges. One topic was to write about someone or something that is important to you and has influnced your life in a major way. I decided to write it on my best friend Kelly and I thought you guys might enjoy reading it :D
(Long but worth it)

What’s important to you, something/someone that if you didn’t have it in your life would make it totally different? So many times in life we are asked this question. On the surface it may seem a simple question, but once you really think about what this question is asking you… do you really know what’s important to you? And what has the biggest influence on your life? Well for me, there are many things important to me. One person that is really important to me is my best friend Kelly Chi. We’ve been friends since about 6th grade, but only best friends since 9th grade. She is important to me because she listens and understands, she helps me with my problems, and she encourages me to do my work. If I didn’t have her in my life I don’t even know what it would be like.
One reason that Kelly is important to me is because I can always depend on her when I need her. If I’m having a bad day I can talk to her about what’s going on and she’ll help me get through it. I can talk to her whenever I need to and she’ll take time out of what she’s doing to help me. She shows that she really cares about me and she’s happy when I do something that I worked hard on.

Kelly is an influence on my life because she’s always doing her homework no matter what’s going on and when I see her doing her work it makes me do my work because she has more things going on in her life and she still manages to do all her work and make good grades. If I have homework and I need help she helps me with it and explains it so that I can understand it. She also encourages me to do my work, like if we’re on skype and I say that I have homework she makes me get it out and do it. That’s how she has been an influence on my life.
The main reason that I like having Kelly in my life is because we have fun together. We can talk on skype for hours and never get bored. If we go out to the movies or the mall we can’t stop laughing. She’s really fun to be around and can keep a smile on my face at any time, no matter what.

If you read this whole thing.. Thank you so much. 
Show Kelly some love on twitter @kellyfornia151
she'll be so happy :)

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So I'm in this class called AVID which helps you prepare

0 faves · May 14, 2012 12:52am




