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the real you
Chapter 3
hello all you beautiful girls

im sorry this one was going to be on inner beauty but i have seen something about suicide and cutting and i think this is something that must be covered

okay so what is your definition of self harm?
this is what a profesional sight states as self harm:

Self-harming is when people cause themselves physical pain that alters their mood state (how they feel inside). Some people harm themselves because they feel disconnected and isolated from everybody, and hurting themselves is the only way they feel real or connected.

Self-harming behaviours can include:

cutting their skin with knives or any sharp object burning their skin hitting their body with an object or fists (like punching the wall) deliberately falling when doing something like extreme sports picking at their skin swallowing pills or sharp objects pulling at their hair (hair pulling can also be a habit).

Eating disorders, alcohol and drug addiction are other ways that people harm themselves physically and mentally.

but as many would know it is not that simple.
self harming can be to make their feelings shown as they know no other way to express them. my reason was because i wanted to release my pain, anger and sadness by cutting through to it. and feeling quite happy after it...
for others it may be to get people to see how they are suffering...
and for others it is to release a pain that has built up

now i know that the feeling for some is painful but for others is it a happy feeling.. i am one that felt happiness.

but let me tell you, this will consume you
from experience, you will get to a point when you will experience cravings that you have never felt and you will not know what it is or where it has come from but you will crave that cutting or burning...

sometimes it takes good friends to make this issue aware to a teacher, family member or just someone that can help. in my case it was my mother who saw what i had done and now i go through weekly counciling. but i am not ashamed. this is helping me see the real me and what i can do to manage that pain and anger.

but girls i would like to ask you something.
when you are older and you have children. and they see your arms and they ask what they are...what will you tell them?

i hope this has raised some awareness for some of you girls

i love you all
stay safe and stay strong

i will always be here to help you girls if you want it

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the real you Chapter 3 hello all you beautiful girls im sorry

1 faves · May 13, 2012 8:40pm






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