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The Sweet Girl

Every one thought she was really sweet
till she met him
he only thought of her as new meat

her friends tried to warn her
they said she was getting in to deep
but she didnt care
and she took a really big leap

she gave him everything
heart and soul
all that she had
all that he stole

when he broke her heart
and ruined her life
he left her
with all the pain to fight

everything was going wrong
and she tried so hard
to stay strong

her friends wouldnt speak to her
her parents didnt care
he just bragged about being a player
all the other girls would just stare

her once beautiful blue eyes
were full of tears
and her friends wouldnt help her
like they had done through the years

he just laughed at the pain she had
every one new that before she meet him
she was actually happy and glade

every one use to know her as a sweet girl
and in this story there is a moral

listen to your friends
but still follow your heart
if you know somethings wrong
stop it from the start

*not one of my best poems* ~*cira*~
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The Sweet Girl Every one thought she was really sweet till she

2 faves · Nov 24, 2004 1:23pm






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