Witty Profiles

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What color is his hair? Brown
What style is it: Wild
What color eyes: Green
Cute smile: Yes

Braces: No
Glasses: No
Abs: Yess
Height: Bit taller than me
What grade is he in: He's 18
How did you meet him: Not sure
How long have you known him: 1 year

Does he play any sports: Yes
Can he play the guitar: I don't think so
What about any other music instrument: vocial
Do you guys ever text: I don't have his number
Describe something he would wear on a typical day: jeans and causual shirt (:
What's your favorite thing you've seen him wear: Blazer and dress pants. Where you're able to see his tattoo and abs: Yes
TATTOOS: yes only one
Least favorite thing: He's not mine
Do your friends know that you like him: No
Do you think your parents would like him if you were dating him? Yes
Have you met his parents: No
What would you do if he saw your witty: I don't know.

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Him♥ What color is his hair? Brown What style is it: Wild

0 faves · May 9, 2012 9:31am




