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so im 13 and i have an argument with a girl who just turned 12 because she got annoyed over my friend having her hair extensions and suddenly i get messages from her saying how much her and my ex and her friend bonnie hate me...and how much they laugh about me cutting. it had all died down and we agreed to avoid each other but thats obviously not good enough for her friend (bonnie) because she started sending me paragraphs on how attention seeking and emo i am and starts calling me 'slit wrist' i burst into tears and then just when i think it cant get worse she starts sending me links, she sent me links of pictures of cut wrist and blood everywhere...she doesnt understand how hard it is to hold on anymore.
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so im 13 and i have an argument with a girl who just turned 12

2 faves · 3 comments · May 7, 2012 4:48am






whenyoufalldowngetupandfight · 1 decade ago
iloveyoutooo<3 and thankyou for the first comment means alot trust!<3
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ForeverAlone_x · 1 decade ago
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LAXEGuy17 · 1 decade ago
you can't let others bring you down, especially over the internet... if she messages you just don't look at it she isn't worth your time, because all she is doing is making herself look bad... all she is doing is trying to hurt someone else because she probably has been hurt before, and she wants to make others feel her pain... don't let her bully you... she means nothing to you because you are loved and you are strong... don't give up, and don't let her hate get to you... she probably is just transferring her pain to try to relieve some of her own hurt... don't mind what others do because only you know who you are... only you can shut out her attempts to hurt you.
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