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I need advice..
I have some drama with the same girl I've always had issues with.
In 7th grade, I started dating her ex boyfriend that she was still in love with.
She had warned me that if I broke his heart she would make my life misserable.
After I broke up with him she started screaming down the hallways that I gave some kid 'head.'
She would push me around call me a nasty, lady of the night and other names.
When I finally would push her back she would just keep walking like a chicken.
Then 8th grade year she told everyone that I screwed a senior.
This was not true at all. None of it was.
9th grade year she got with my boyfriend at the time.
Everyone always told me that he cheated on me with her but it never came out for certain until it was too late.
Me and him broke up after being on and off for a year.
I forgave her for it because Im a true believer that no guy is worth fighting for.
But this year, she is trying to steal my bestfriend since kg.
Last week, me and a couple of my friends were talking about how she was supposably moving because she didnt make the varsity cheer squad.
Then, the next day she messaged me telling me to keep her name out of my mouth. I simply told her to grow up and stop making dumb drama.
She went a told my bestfriend what was going on. Like honestly, why put her in the middle of your drama?!
Then Friday she got mad at her guy friend because we've been talking. She told him I put people down, that Im a gross hookerr that nobody likes and way more.
I went off on her. Told her to either fight me or grow up and move on.

..... I swear. She looks at me the wrong way I will end up in a jail cell.

How should I handle this? Because I cant deal with the elementry drama anymore.

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I need advice.. I have some drama with the same girl I've

4 faves · 4 comments · May 6, 2012 12:06pm






Alicupcake13 · 1 decade ago
I agree with asherluver16.... I've in been through this so many times before and know what your going through. so, ignore her. If those people she told those nasty rumors to are your friends, then they would know not to believe her. And if you talk mess to her she'll just put you down ten times worse. and don't even think about fighting her. (or in your case beating her up) it'll just make you look alot worse than ever. she won't fight you anyways... so like befoer, ignore her. when she finds out you don't care anymore she'll drop it after awhile. But seriously, does anybody really believe you gave a senior head? she's probrobly saying those things to make herself feel better. most likely the things she's telling people you've done, she actually did her self...
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Cailin Dorothy* · 1 decade ago
i know it's not easy but fighting her is just not the way to go about it. every time you react to her being a stupid , she wins a little. dont give her the satisfaction of getting a rise out of you. if you just walk away there is a small chance she'll stop. she'll realize that you just dont give a f*ck what she thinks. if you fight her you'll just end up getting in trouble because she is dumb. it wont be easy (trust me ive been there) but ignoring her is the best solution i can come up with
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usagainsttheworld · 1 decade ago
I agree, you should just kick her . You don't deserve any of the t she gave you, obviously all that comes out of her mouth is lies. If i were you, I would just put her into place. :)
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ashleeyHunn · 1 decade ago
i say you kick her a$$ ! haa sorry but thts the way i would handle it... but if you dont want to get in trouble youre gonna have to find another way . . . but istill go with kicking her a$$ :)
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