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PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!! :"

Someone help me please I haven't been on here in forever but I might start again, I just deleted my facebook, random people I don't even know are calling me a looser & laughing at me.... I just moved here but I want to move back I don't like it here. Please someone help me I've been teased all my life & I don't like it! It's annoying.

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PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!! :" Someone help me please I haven't

1 faves · 1 comments · May 3, 2012 9:36pm






liveloveandlifeless · 1 decade ago
as annoying as it may be some people take great pleasure in being to other people for no freaking reason. just ignore them and if they dont leave you alone itscalled HARRASMENT. a lot of people do the same to me all i do is turn the other cheek and say " your not worth my feelings nor my time" and walk and remember this "Look just be yourself you'll always be judged no matter what, no ones perfect and people always have there own opinion just ignore them" -you- please have been and always will be .
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