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A lot of you will probably remember Matthew, also known as FramingMatthew. Almost all of us loved him and he will always have a special place in our hearts. We lost him from Cancer, a terrible disease that has killed too many people on this planet. People that are loved my their families and friends have been taking away by this terrible disease. I want to recognize and amazing girl named Cynthia ,  or also known as thatswutshesaid here on witty, for being an amazing girl and amazing person. If you go to her profile, you will see she is now fifteen and has been battling Cancer. She stays optimistic through all of this, and just going to her profile makes me smile. So this one, is for her.

Cynthia, we love you, and we will no matter what happens.

Please follow 
thatswutshesaid and fave/comment on this quote to show her that you are there if she ever wants to talk, vent, or just needs a friend.

this is not for faves, so don't judge. i seriously want to make her day with this quote and to show her we are all here for her. :)
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PLEASE READ THIS QUOTE; A lot of you will probably remember Matthew,

8 faves · 1 comments · May 2, 2012 6:38pm






thatswutshesaid · 1 decade ago
Thank you so much. You're amazing. Seriously this made my day.. I love you guys :)
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