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My first vent quote... This probably won't happen too often. You're welcome.
Any road, I have this giant fear, I mean I'm not scared of much but I'm absolutely
TERRIFIED at the thought of being forgotten/left alone/rejected. Pretty much exclusion. I have dreams where I die, but my NIGHTMARES are when I'm all alone or being told how no one cares.
I have ridiculously talented siblings and I feel so worthless and out-shined by them. I feel unloveable all of the time, I'm a dissapointment to my parents and no guy has ever liked me. I get stuck in the friend zone... I'm everybody's friend, but I'm noone's 'someone special'.
If you read this, thanks. Now you've been dragged into my little whirlpool of misery, but hey! Maybe you'll feel a little less crazy yourself! Sort of like watching those hoarders shows on TV and thinking "I may be messy, but I'm not THAT messy!"
I make my sadness so funny.

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My first vent quote... This probably won't happen too often.

2 faves · 3 comments · Apr 30, 2012 10:41pm






lizlinee · 1 decade ago
I feel the same way! My sister is hilarious and I have like no funniness whatsoever, an my friends are amazing at music but Im completely tone-deaf, but I ve learneed to just be like whatevs and i try to tell myself positive things, which is hard, so every time i do I feel a little better. I guess we gotta just learn to feel awesome about ourselves and not totally worry about other (although you cant just completely ignore that at some points they are better than you)
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beatlepal · 1 decade ago
Thanks. I really needed a new perspective on things. Whilst I love my friends dearly, you just need a fresh pair of eyes to look at things for you every once and a while.
I think I will try to be more open with what's going on with me, usually I just sort of shove it inside because I'm sure no one wants to hear. Thank you!!
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xoharmonylovexo · 1 decade ago
I like you, you're different from the dumb whores on here(: My advice to you would be just don't worry about it. Be confident, and think about good things before you go to bed or something. Write down your fears, and just vent about it a lot. I write a long blog entry once almost every day, and I just bring the sunshine to a rainy day!(: I'm not the happiest person, and not very optimistic, but aside from often being upset, I'm always happy. In some sense. You never know if no guy has ever liked you. And don't be afraid to take risks and you won't get friend-zoned. I told the guy I like a lot that was also one of my best friends how I felt, about a week and a half ago, and I'm really glad I did. I'm closer to him than I have ever been. Don't feel unlovable. Someone out there loves you and always will. Don't forget.
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